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- From: hkaul@lava.net (Na Kaula)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: Does Clinton Know ?
- Date: 15 Jun 1996 12:07:25 GMT
- Organization: LavaNet, Inc.
- Lines: 117
- Sender: hkaul@
- Message-ID: <4pu91t$pbc@mochi.lava.net>
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- In article <31C1AE9F.19@student.uq.edu.au>
- Darren Poulton <s340222@student.uq.edu.au> writes:
- > I did not allege a LEGAL basis for anything. The sad truth is that when extremely
- > sensitive information is at stake a country's constitution may very well be thrown out
- > the window.
- And that IS a sad truth! It is also disruptive to law and order in
- that country.
- What bothers me is... who makes these decisions... and why? A legal,
- government body operating under the rule of law is being circumvented
- by a very small, covert group. "Information is power"... and power is
- then held in the wrong hands... and maybe for the wrong reasons... and
- maybe to the detriment of the people? I'm not saying all sensitive
- information should be publicly available. I understand the need for
- 'state secrets' in some areas.
- But so far in my questioning and wondering on this group, I have yet to
- find a good reason for keeping information about alleged UFOs/aliens
- secret. And this particular secret...(and I think we all here have
- enough information to deduce that it IS a world-class secret) makes me
- rather nervous wondering WHY it is such a big secret! I have a
- questioning, curious, and (I like to think) scientific mind. The
- potential introduction of EBEs does not threaten my mindset or
- religious foundations, it merely piques my intense curiousity. Why
- the 'secret'? Should I be hiding in my basement and digging a deep
- hole, instead of looking for aliens? If that is the case, I STILL want
- to know... how to protect myself!
- I resent the fact that someone else is making a 'non-disclosure'
- decision on my behalf, but without my knowledge or consent!
- > > The Constitution of the United States says, in part:
- > > Article II, Section 2. The President shall be Commander in Chief of
- > > the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the
- > > several States, when called into the actual Service of the United
- > > States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal
- > > Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating
- > > to the Duties of their respective Offices,...
- >
- > My interpretation of this snippet of your constitution, in conjunction of my knowledge
- > of your countries methods for handling sensitive information would lead me to believe
- > that your president would only be made aware of such information if he was required to
- > make a decision based on that information. The second part of that paragraph says: "he
- > may require the OPINION, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive
- > departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices,...".
- > Nowhere (in the paragraph you've referred to) does it say that the information itself
- > must be released to him. As I said in my original post - that's what he has advisors
- > for.
- The point I was going for is that the President is Commander in Chief.
- If he 'commands' that certain information be given him, it must
- (constitutionally) be done. He is at the pinnacle of the chain of
- command... (pyramid of command?) I agree with Brian's assesment that
- he has advisors that tell him 'some' of the information... but
- constitutionally he has a 'right' to any information he asks for. He
- can decide for himself whether he has a 'need-to-know'. If someone
- else decides 'for the President' whether the President has a
- 'need-to-know', then it seems to me that they are usurping the powers
- of the President.
- > > By definition, any law that attempts to circumvent this power is
- > > UNconstitutional.
- >
- > Is there such a law?
- In this specific instance, I do not know. It would not surprise me if
- there was. Some of the idiots we elect to congress allegedly to
- represent us occasionally try to pass laws that fly in the face of
- common-sense interpretations of the constitution. The 'Communications
- Decency Act' attempt to regulate free speech on the internet here is
- just one recent example. Fortunately the courts struck it down.
- > I do know, however, that common law in your country is supposed to be
- > held higher than federal law and that under common law it is possible to establish an
- > independent state under certain circumstances. Why then has the longest seige in history
- > only just ended (peacefully to the credit of all involved), a seige which began because
- > a few of your citizens tried to do just that! It seems to me (an outsider) that your
- > government doesn't really care much for common law.
- You answered your own question. It seems to me also, (an insider) that
- our government doesn't really care much for common law! It has been my
- observation that our government will use every legal (and sometimes
- illegal or unconstitutional) trick and trap available to it to achieve
- it's own ends. The truth is that common law is so very powerful that
- it guts or invalidates a lot of illusory 'Federal' laws, and the
- federal government does not want citizens to know about this.
- I could rant for hours about this subject. I was shocked and appalled
- when I learned about just how far the Federal government continues to
- go under the 'color of law' that has no enabling foundations. Under
- our system, a person is subject to a 'law' if he aquiesces to it! Even
- if the 'law' has no legal foundations. If every citizen knew the
- foundations of common law in this country, the Federal government would
- have no teeth to use on it's own citizens. Strangely enough, this
- vision seems to be exactly what our founding fathers had in mind. It
- has been badly perverted by politics over the years.
- > > First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: Congress
- > > shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
- > > prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
- > > speech,...
- > Could you please explain the relevance of this to our debate?
- Without it, we probably couldn't have this debate. =-)
- It was a signature by-line, in celebration of the defeat of the CDA
- when I posted it.
- I give you credit for knowing a lot more than most US citizens about
- our country....
- (But then, you're an intelligence operative!)
- > Thanx,
- > Darren.